Deal Visibility is used to manage which investors can access deals on your platform. This can either be through specific classifications, such as High Net Worth, or you can assign individual investors Deal Visibility
This ensures that the deal is only accessible to the appropriate investors, based on classification and decided by you.
This help article covers:
Including a classification or investor to deal visibility
Excluding an investor with a certain classification from deal visibility
How to include a classification or investor to deal visibility
Click the hamburger icon (≡) to open the menu. The menu opens in a left-hand sidebar.
Select Browse Deals which will take you to the Explore Deals page.
Select the deal that you would like to manage deal visibility on.
Navigate to the Visibility tab within the selected deal, which will open the Manage Investor Visibility feature.
Here you can include or exclude classifications and users.
Within the Include field, you can select from the list which appears, or type to search for each classification or investor you’d like to have visibility of the deal.
After adding the desired classifications or investors, you can save the changes made by clicking the Save Deal Visibility button located at the bottom right of your page.
How to exclude an investor with a certain classification from deal visibility
To stop individual investors or classifications from viewing a deal, you can do so by utilising the Excluded Investors box on the Manage Investor Visibility page (see above for navigation).
Note - Exclude will override Include. So if you have an investor who is in a classification in the Include box, but add them individually to the Exclude box, they will not have visibility of the deal.
Within the Exclude field, you can select from the list which appears, or type to search for each classification or investor you’d like to have visibility of the deal.
After adding the desired classifications or investors, you can save the changes made by clicking the Save Deal Visibility button located at the bottom right of your page.
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